Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heating Bills Calgary


Fiodor, source su
In Mirjam Cordt s newsletter, I read the following just terrible story:
"It is about a timid, not aggressive, runaway dog, a member of the police dog unit 2km! was removed from the highway was executed completely pointless. There are several witnesses to this act and the circumstances. Such a crime can not and must not fall under the table. Where do we get when weapons carrier overcome in Wild West sheriff-style from the engine to make their shot gun so mindless and brutal use. For more information on the website of the shelter Ludwigsburg . "
It no longer surprised me that the police shoot her dog found the dangerous (see my reports here and here ) without sufficient alternatives to consider. But here is a new quality: This dog is obviously presented no danger to anyone, showed no aggression, was not one time in a listen-race. Shelter staff were on site to capture him. It was apparently an employee of the police dog unit who shot the dog, followed him by car and from a moving car shot him twice more.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Where Can I Find Good Furry Flash

reference and meaning

The distinction between "reference " and has taken "important " a term that Frege was, for the emergence of analytic philosophy terribly important. To date, students learn philosophy, this distinction using the example of the planet Venus: Sometimes you see these very bright evening "star" and called it "evening star", sometimes you see a particularly bright star in the morning to the "morning star" calls. "Evening Star" and "Morning Star" have different meanings. They refer (refer) to the same: the same planet, the same rock lumps out there in space. This is the reference of the two terms. You have to not know that the reference is the same!

Another example: "the daughter of B.," "the wife of F.", "the sister of T.", "dog trainer the other day about this article in the newspaper stand," the author this blog "-.... these terms all have the same reference point to the same person (me) mean, but they have different things

I think about it often for when I talk while walking with Habca Like most people who talk to dogs I express often the desire of that she should take a certain posture. I see the majority of them (have the desire as many common words) as a kind of gymnastics (she remains mentally and physically agile) and vocabulary, classically would be such a thing as "subordination" call. You can see the insane psychologically charged, then the question is whether the dog has a correct "foot" position takes the measure of the relationship and "respect" for the dog to have for me. You see, already, of which I do not really think much. I teach these exercises rather than Target exercises (see, for example here ).

I As in any case before yesterday Habca on Preungesheimer fields ran, and sniffing around, and in between I once said "sit" and "place" and "paw" and "role" and "Kommmalher" and "go time up there" and "hop", and I fed her breakfast and the sun was shining and we were both quite relaxed since long time and had pretty much mindless fun miteinader -

as I have ever asked me again what importance such words probably have Habca. I think some of it mean for target practice, "foot" as is "oppressive side of your shoulder against my leg and look it up at me" for them. Some of them are probably statistical information: Attention, here and there gives equal a biscuit! "Kommmalher" means something like "oh madness, Miriam's index finger has turned back into the feed lever, if you nudge the other hand, comes out food because I have to go!"

The important during training seems to be that man and dog agree about the reference the words used are. The importance may be different, seems to me important that what the word means the dog for him something nice, great, feasible.

Sure, a lot of people it intended but eh now abandoned this blog have read to jump on now: "What, it can not all be nice for the dog, who must obey it!" Yes, sometimes you have to "obey" a dog. But that word so we can give new meanings! - And my termination signal, my "No"? Is that too nice for the dog? If in doubt, I put a "No" by also triggering the avoidance behavior. But I'd rather not let it get that far. Dear I want that "No" means the dog: "This strategy does nothing, try something else." Then the way, is also immediately clear that it is not enough if the dog runs to the street, shouting "Habca neeeeeeeein !!!!!", but that I do in such cases, well to the strategy's success brings to say," Habca [= You are meant] no [this behavior does not bring you], here lang [change of direction brings something] ".

A caveat at the end: Please do not get confused with notions of philosophers: What is commonly referred to as reference (also here) is in Frege importance what here and most important is is with him the sense ... The distinction remains the same, varying translations.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Online Wildlife Rescue Game

For six years

... they now live with us.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ed Jones Or Vanguard Which Is Better

trip to ... More dogs smell pot

The "musical chairs" (why Jerusalem? And is now at all politically correct?) Can be modified for dogs. When the music stops, the dog must be brought into the seat (of course without touching!), Who sits last drops out. An additional difficulty is when you sit down in front of yet to be a free hat - as the battle for the chairs in the original ...

picture frames from

Monday, February 14, 2011

Archive Sister Kick Balls

pot beat everyone knows who had ever been to a birthday party. For our adventure walk yesterday, which was themed "birthday party", I've considered a variant: Pot smell!
The man is blindfolded and a wooden spoon in hand. In addition, he has his dog on a leash - the commute to somewhere between guide dog and stumbling block. The dog must sit and watch as the price the large pot is hidden. And then of course the viewers call "cold" and "warm" and "very hot".

So, if someone yesterday at the Red Mill was traveling and has wondered why people beat blindfolded and their dogs with a wooden spoon - it was not intentional. ;-)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Bang For The Buck Tv

Haiku Inc.: Figures for 2010 and 2011

Haiku Inc. is the non-profit organization that ensures that the Haiku project can concentrate on development work and the server are still online. Who wants to see how well done the past year financially, you can now watch the Financial Report for 2010 , who created the Ryan Leavengood thorough and have a new layout. Accordingly

were receipts over by donations, Tinnef at CafePress and the Google Summer of Code in the amount of $ 18,188.07, expenditures of $ 18,419.02. The largest item is how it should be, spent on development contracts have been ($ 11,679.99), followed by costs for conferences ($ 1,979.77) and Travel costs ($ 1,000.51), BeGeistert code sprint ($ 1,000) and website costs ($ 750.25). The bottom line are currently $ 11,124.31 in the treasury.

(by the way developers are invited to submit applications for large and small development contracts.)

for 2011 is already a rough budget planning . A total expenditure of $ 25,500 will be sought. Three areas are to be financed:
  • infrastructure (website, your own server, and a financial reserve of $ 5,000) to $ 6,000
  • marketing (conferences and PR utensils) with $ 4,000
  • Development (BeGeistert code sprint, hardware and documentation, etc. Developer agreements) with $ 15,500

High hopes! So, dear reader, if it is possible for you to donate a small thing but either directly (now also available in €) or buy stuff from CafePress . are

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Archeive Sister Kick Balls

round photos

Shakira, an Akita Inu - Female


from left: Charlie, Habca, Sparky

I've a weakness for setters. Especially for the Setter winter backlighting. ;-)

here is not one of our group - but so chic made I had to photograph him, of course.

dog encounters the town red. ;-)

Lilli, I think, the sweetest West Highland Terrier Frankfurt.

Lilly complains

There must look
Henry's something going on.

still great as a setter against the light: red-gold Spaniel puppy in the winter sun * melt *


Henry's new girlfriend is very small. They demonstrate by looking polite to each other. Exemplary!

And Leo's new acquaintance is made Sunday chic.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yellow Chunky Discharge In Pregnancy

philosophy of the dog

has now brought the Frankfurter Rundschau, a portrait of me and my dog school: "philosophy of the dog" . I have had in December, a very interesting conversation with the journalist and I am very impressed what they made of it. Especially since I did not know when the item arrives and have opened every morning looking forward to the Frankfurt section. Only today I have not come to sit, after a difficult time in the " place in the heart with a hot cocoa, bad news was told on the phone and flipped in the newspaper ... and there it was, the photo of me and the love Anton.


Photo: FR / Oeser

Vigamox Can Use Expired

21st Thank You Award

In Haiku goods to third February elections to the 21st Thank You Award on. The candidates this time:

  • Michael Pfeiffer (laplace) - For his Gutenprint port and the associated Bugfixerei. For the advertised Bounty Michael has refused or referred back to Haiku goods.
  • Ryan Leavengood (Leave good) - For improvements to WebPositive, Coverity bug fixes and incorporation of patches as part of the Google Code-in.
  • Philippe Houdoin (phoudoin) - for further improvements to the networking (for dial-up modem) and all kinds of small construction sites and incorporation of patches.
  • Karl - Haiku Bounties Ware. For patches to prepare even more haiku-applications to the localization and his work on the Finnish translation (for which he still looks the way performers for User Guide) -
  • Jorma Karvonen .

The winner is Michael Pfeiffer . Congratulations!

How To Use Efudex For Pre Cancer On Face

Programming with Haiku, Lesson 17: Color Well (1)

The 17th Part of Programming with Haiku deals with the development of their own controls. Although Haiku offers everything you need for common applications so sometimes you must also be created nor own hands. This lesson shows what can be observed.
could be the object used for example in lists, it should be as small and complex things like the screen display the corresponding list object left. One should also always possible when using existing classes of the interface kits and follow his philosophy. On the best is a subclass of BControl, at least one should not use the BInvoker class for messaging.

As an exercise to implement a patch color ("Color Well") step by step is played. The result is a small program that shows a color swatch in a window, which can be by menu colored red, green or blue and displayed either square or round.
In future episodes, the Color Well class further completed in order to change colors as drag and drop or receive.

All parts of "Programming with Haiku" can be found in DarkWyrm's Library .