January dogs lap dog of the philosopher tested
It was cold and bright, sunny, real Flitzewetter. Visit the Frankfurt dog world met at the BUGA site. So the dogs round Tom .
I post more pictures later, I promise. Here a first impression. :-)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Laboratory 5 Cell Respiration Carolina
Airwaves Strong hmmm yummy
trnd I was again blessed with a test package, I test the new gum from Airwavesich find it simply delicious and refreshing ... if it is not just meant to be a fruity gum I remain comfortable about it, hmmmm tasty ... some people may be happy about it soon, and some have already been very happy .... I find recommended
trnd I was again blessed with a test package, I test the new gum from Airwavesich find it simply delicious and refreshing ... if it is not just meant to be a fruity gum I remain comfortable about it, hmmmm tasty ... some people may be happy about it soon, and some have already been very happy .... I find recommended
Monday, January 24, 2011
Harley Davidson Free Birthday Cards
Instructions: Haiku from the source code on Ubuntu
In the past I once had written a short guide which steps are needed to compile Haiku directly from source on Linux. Unfortunately, the article with the haiku-gazette.de domain is down.
so again following the whole procedure for building hybrid images (gcc2 and gcc4) on Ubuntu 10.10 (other distributions should work the same approach to the installation of the necessary tools and perhaps a revised directory path here and there).
To save the whole cross-Kompiliererei, build tools and provides an "xattr-supporting partition, etc., you should consider even know if you'd rather not build directly under Haiku image. There are already all the tools available and you can sometimes loose points 1-4 and 6 of this manual skip ...
All information you can gather together even in the official guides . There are also more details for people who want to go deeper or want to consider special requests.
The source code for the build tools is great for compiling such a directory, including the haiku, and MiB-generated objects for gcc4 gcc2 and then another 3.5 GiB. Build the tools source code could in theory delete after compiling again, but if there was change, you have to download it yet again ...
The best way is equal to a sufficiently large partition. With 10 GiB one has no worries for the future ...
then still follow the typical Linux games that I have brought only by a few Googelei to the series.
It is not enough as it really comfortable with Ubuntu is to mount the source partition. You have to enable xattr support explicitly. This is in the file / etc / fstab attach a corresponding entry of the partition then correspondingly mounts automatically:
In the present there messages you hang up the details of his source partition under it, eg: #
The UUID of the source partition, you get as it is in the fstab file (strangely, given there with parameters suppress important information would be ...) with the command:
starting point is the top level of the suspended source partition. In my case this is done by:
The normal user is charged down the source code like this: svn checkout
The registered developer with write access to SVN: svn checkout svn
First we create two folders in which the image is built, one for gcc2, one for gcc4.
Now we switch to the folder and configure the build system according to a hybrid gcc2 or gcc4 hybrid.
@ VM: Furthermore, by a lot of commands to copy files to the external image or extract (think of backups of zipped folders config, etc.)
here is a complete
Most of these packages can also install more later in Haiku. To view a list to get all available packages, you write in the terminal:
the complete source:
If only a particular component to be updated, replaced to the appropriate folder, then only this and all subdirectories to be related to state, for example haiku / haiku / trunk / src / apps / for all applications. Share their changes, but also predicted changes subsystems (eg change the layout or locale Kit), the compilation of course, go wrong and you will not drumrum the rest of the source code to update ...
Then, to build the image:
gcc4 is being built a hybrid image. If you want a gcc2 hybrid image (as it is in official Alpha / Beta versions or not), you switch instead to haiku/haiku/trunk/generated-gcc2 / before it jammed. The
-q means the jam immediately terminates if it encounters an error. The
-j2 can jam 2 threads simultaneously. The most effective one is the number of threads to the number of cores on the CPU. The
@ ANY selects a build profile, here the image of our anyboot UserBuildConfig . In addition to these self-defined profiles, there are also official, such as alpha- * or nightly -* (see release build profiles ).
The USB stick is done with: dd if =
As of (output file) you have, of course, the correct path to his USB flash drive select. So here again caution the day!
the USB stick you can try out boats and the new build or as usual to install a partition.
In the past I once had written a short guide which steps are needed to compile Haiku directly from source on Linux. Unfortunately, the article with the haiku-gazette.de domain is down.
so again following the whole procedure for building hybrid images (gcc2 and gcc4) on Ubuntu 10.10 (other distributions should work the same approach to the installation of the necessary tools and perhaps a revised directory path here and there).
To save the whole cross-Kompiliererei, build tools and provides an "xattr-supporting partition, etc., you should consider even know if you'd rather not build directly under Haiku image. There are already all the tools available and you can sometimes loose points 1-4 and 6 of this manual skip ...
All information you can gather together even in the official guides . There are also more details for people who want to go deeper or want to consider special requests.
first In order to take into account when preparing
Imagebau Haikus extended attributes, the source code should be on a partition with a file system, called xattr added support. I use to reiserfs because the partition then I can at least hang in Haiku reading. Other appropriate file systems would lt Guide JFS, NTFS (via NTFS-3G), UFS2, XFS, ZFS.The source code for the build tools is great for compiling such a directory, including the haiku, and MiB-generated objects for gcc4 gcc2 and then another 3.5 GiB. Build the tools source code could in theory delete after compiling again, but if there was change, you have to download it yet again ...
The best way is equal to a sufficiently large partition. With 10 GiB one has no worries for the future ...
then still follow the typical Linux games that I have brought only by a few Googelei to the series.
It is not enough as it really comfortable with Ubuntu is to mount the source partition. You have to enable xattr support explicitly. This is in the file / etc / fstab attach a corresponding entry of the partition then correspondingly mounts automatically:
sudo gedit / etc / fstab
In the present there messages you hang up the details of his source partition under it, eg: #
\u0026lt;file system> \u0026lt;mount-point> \u0026lt;type> \u0026lt;options> \u0026lt;dump> \u0026lt;pass>
# source code on / dev/sda11
UUID = 1938d3c2-10bb-4945-8150-1b6ec24deae3 / media / Source Code reiserfs auto, rw, user_xattr 0 0
The UUID of the source partition, you get as it is in the fstab file (strangely, given there with parameters suppress important information would be ...) with the command:
second Required Tools
To make sure that all required tools are installed on the Linux system, you should start this command in the console: sudo apt-get install subversion yasm autoconf automake texinfo flex bison gawk build-essential
third Build Tools Source Download
The next is needed on Linux cross-build tools and a special jam version. can you build Haiku in Haiku or BeOS, Zeta is the same jump to point 5.starting point is the top level of the suspended source partition. In my case this is done by:
cd / media / Source Code
The normal user is charged down the source code like this: svn checkout
http://svn.haiku-os.org/haiku/buildtools/trunk haiku / build tools
The registered developer with write access to SVN: svn checkout svn
+ ssh: / / username@svn.haiku-os.org / srv / svn / repos / haiku / build tools / trunk haiku / build tools
4th Build tools to build and install
the source code on the disk, is switching to haiku / build tools / jam / compile "jam" and shifts the result of bin.linuxx86 to / usr / bin / haiku cd / build tools / jam
bin.linuxx86/jam sudo mv / usr / bin /
5th Haiku source code download
As for the build tools, source code, there are the differences between normal users and developers write access rights. First, will return you to the top level, ie directly on the source partition (in this case cd ../../..
). Normalo:
svn checkout http://svn.haiku-os.org/haiku/haiku/trunk haiku / haiku / trunk
svn checkout svn + ssh: / / username@svn.haiku-os.org / srv / svn / repos / haiku / haiku / trunk haiku / haiku / trunk
6th Configure environment
The options for configuring the build environment are diverse . Here we start with the creation of a gcc2 / 4 hybrid haikus and that the source code is located on a filesystem with xattr support (and that the partition is mounted with this xattr support ...).First we create two folders in which the image is built, one for gcc2, one for gcc4.
cd haiku / haiku / trunk mkdir
mkdir generated
Now we switch to the folder and configure the build system according to a hybrid gcc2 or gcc4 hybrid.
cd generated-gcc2
.. / configure - use-xattr - distro-compatibility official - include-patented-code \\
- build-cross-tools .. / .. / .. / build tools - -alternative-gcc-output-dir .. / generated
cd .. / generated
.. / configure - use-xattr - distro-compatibility official - include-patented-code \\
- build-cross- tools-gcc4 x86 .. / .. / .. / build tools - alternative-gcc-output-dir ../generated-gcc2
7th UserBuildConfig
In haiku / haiku / trunk / build / jam / are a lot of configuration files, including the UserBuildConfig (which is created on top of a copy of UserBuildConfig.sample ). With it you can build create profiles to pack as automatically various software packages in the optional image, or to write directly to a partition or to create an image for USB / CD or VMWare / VirtualBox. produced@ VM: Furthermore, by a lot of commands to copy files to the external image or extract (think of backups of zipped folders config, etc.)
here is a complete
- UserBuildConfig
- with three profiles an image for VMWare / VirtualBox.
- @ ANY anyboot generates an image for USB flash drives or burning to CD.
- @ HD installed directly on a partition (be sure to check three times, that also describes the right!).
# OpenSSH for this variable must be set to any nameMore info can be found in UserBuildConfig.sample and UserBuildConfig.ReadMe . In optional packages all available optional software packages are available.
# Set the German keymap
AddFilesToHaikuImage home config settings: \u0026lt;keymap> German
: Key_map;
# HAIKU_TOP is always the haiku / trunk / #
level where I created the folder "user_data" and QuickLaunch.zip tricked.
# Will be extracted to the / boot / apps /.
ExtractArchiveToHaikuImage apps
. $ (HAIKU_TOP) / user_data / QuickLaunch.zip;
# Copies the "artwork" folder without the svn files to / boot / home /
CopyDirectoryToHaikuImage home
: $ (HAIKU_TOP) / data / artwork: . svn-x;
# For a hybrid image libraries for the alternate compiler is needed.
# In some countries protected by software patents code is used
# All build profiles, these optional packages will
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BePDF;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages OpenSSL, OpenSSH
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Pe;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Vision;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages WebPositive;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages WifiFirmwareScriptData;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages XZ-Utils;
# Build-profile 1: Based on the profile of "disk", installed on a partition
# Of course the path to the correct partition instead of "/ dev/sda77!
DefineBuildProfile HD: disk: / dev/sda77 ";
# Build-profile 2: Based on the profile" anyboot-image "
DefineBuildProfile ANY: anyboot image:" haiku-anyboot.image ";
# Build-profile 3: Based on the profile "vmware-image"
DefineBuildProfile VM: vmware-image;
case "HD": {
# In addition to the above optional packages for all profiles :
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages army knife;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BeBook;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BePDF;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BeZillaBrowser;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Clockwerk;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages CVS;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Development;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Paladin;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Subversion;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages TimGMSoundFont;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages transmission;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Welcome;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages WonderBrush;
case "ANY": {
# image size in MiB
# In addition to the above optional packages for all profiles:
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages army knife ;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BeBook;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BePDF;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BeZillaBrowser;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Clockwerk;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages CVS;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Development;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Paladin;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Subversion;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages TimGMSoundFont;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages transmission;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Welcome;
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages WonderBrush;}
case "VM": {#
image size in MiB
Most of these packages can also install more later in Haiku. To view a list to get all available packages, you write in the terminal:
optional install package-lTo install one, simply specify its name instead of -l . There is no option to automatically uninstall it, however.
8th Complete Image Haiku build
All of the above points must be carried out only once. Once you are on the build system, once running, you simply point out that only 8 if you want to have a topical haiku image. In order to updatethe complete source:
cd haiku / haiku trunk / svn update
If only a particular component to be updated, replaced to the appropriate folder, then only this and all subdirectories to be related to state, for example haiku / haiku / trunk / src / apps / for all applications. Share their changes, but also predicted changes subsystems (eg change the layout or locale Kit), the compilation of course, go wrong and you will not drumrum the rest of the source code to update ...
Then, to build the image:
cd haiku / haiku / trunk / generated
jam-QJ2 @ ANY
gcc4 is being built a hybrid image. If you want a gcc2 hybrid image (as it is in official Alpha / Beta versions or not), you switch instead to haiku/haiku/trunk/generated-gcc2 / before it jammed. The
-q means the jam immediately terminates if it encounters an error. The
-j2 can jam 2 threads simultaneously. The most effective one is the number of threads to the number of cores on the CPU. The
@ ANY selects a build profile, here the image of our anyboot UserBuildConfig . In addition to these self-defined profiles, there are also official, such as alpha- * or nightly -* (see release build profiles ).
9th Image
you install does not install directly to a partition (our @ HD profile), is at the end of an image generated in folder, which can be used either as an image for VMWare / VirtualBox or in case of anyboot images to burn to CD or USB flash drive can write.The USB stick is done with: dd if =
haiku-anyboot.image of = / dev / sdb bs = 1M
As of (output file) you have, of course, the correct path to his USB flash drive select. So here again caution the day!
the USB stick you can try out boats and the new build or as usual to install a partition.
10th Tips & Tricks
- If the jam for some reason stopped, and there is no known problem (see corresponding messages on the Dev mailing list, or search for current " [BOM] " (Build-O-Matic) messages on the commits mailing list) should be the best objects in the folder generated delete directories. Then we jammed with the additional parameter-a so jam- qaj2 @ ... .
For some strange errors will also help to restart. Sounds strange, but so ...
- Always a good starting point when you run into problems (and possibly # # haiku haiku-de at irc.freenode.net) IRC. If you want to show the other longer error messages or its UserBuildConfig are services like pastebin or recommend for images Imagepin . to bring
- retrieve the source code to a specific revision use the command svn update-r {} revision number. Is it me or a path / file name, only that file to be related to this revision.
- It does not always build an entire image, we will update only one component. In generated folder you are simply jam-QJ2 {} a component, eg jam-QJ2 show image or jam-QJ2 net_server . The updated component is then (somewhat hidden) in the appropriate directory under generated / objects / .
is even easier with the @ HD build profile. Here the component is automatically installed in the Haiku partition. This one just writes jam-QJ2 HD @ {component} update.
exercise for critical components of course you care. Install such a bad app_server, you can not boot may Haiku ...
- Will you want to access data from his Haiku partition from Linux, which is at least read by (adjust " sdXxx " according to) the corresponding partition mounts:
sudo mount / dev / sdXxx / media / Haiku-t befs
See also the recent article in Idefix 'Blog
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How To Tell The Difference Between Herpes
From: Puppy & Prince
so to speak, now you can buy at every corner of the internet dog accessories. There are great Chains and mega stores and online shops - and as in the "real" world, there is the small, fine, special shops.
" Puppy and Prince" is a shop in which one is the same feeling well. The site is professionally designed and clearly, I find my way now and I like the "clean" look. More like a beautiful boutique than a loveless pet shop or a stuffed animal trade needs. This all fits in that the emphasis is more on the particular rather than cheaper mass-produced.
Here You do not buy any rash appears collar, but the store is sent to dog owners that it is important is what they choose for a necklace. Also with toys, look for the regular, 1 €-ball in vain, but I find this here and what I've admired only in U.S. online shops.
The professionalism of the site is a sophisticated service offering fits with name-service, consulting texts on, for example to choose the right dishes, ongoing Web 2.0 activities Twitter, Facebook, YouTube & Co. and a newsletter.
It does not surprise me because of that personal contact with the shop owner Sabine Reng very nice and was uncomplicated. Habca like to have and I agreed to try the shop!
Puppy & Prince is to this end we have a green rubber ball sent to the suitable for strong chewers. Habca is excited! This morning when getting up the first thought the ball was to seek and take to bed. And on the third day he is still bent as it were a hair!
addition, there was still a very delicious vitamin C Habca the cookie crumbled and relish auffutterte.
If your looking for something special for you and your dog we recommend you Puppy and Prince only!
so to speak, now you can buy at every corner of the internet dog accessories. There are great Chains and mega stores and online shops - and as in the "real" world, there is the small, fine, special shops.

The professionalism of the site is a sophisticated service offering fits with name-service, consulting texts on, for example to choose the right dishes, ongoing Web 2.0 activities Twitter, Facebook, YouTube & Co. and a newsletter.

It does not surprise me because of that personal contact with the shop owner Sabine Reng very nice and was uncomplicated. Habca like to have and I agreed to try the shop!
Puppy & Prince is to this end we have a green rubber ball sent to the suitable for strong chewers. Habca is excited! This morning when getting up the first thought the ball was to seek and take to bed. And on the third day he is still bent as it were a hair!

addition, there was still a very delicious vitamin C Habca the cookie crumbled and relish auffutterte.
If your looking for something special for you and your dog we recommend you Puppy and Prince only!

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Postgraduate Personal Statement Dental Hygienist
Remember me different in the nature of love
What is love? Love is something inside of me? In my heart, my head?
There are people who say they loved someone, and mean a feeling in yourself that may not be effective in the world .
There are people who say they do not know whether animals could ever love . Love was not attributable to a very complex thing to it a dog?
There are people who say the love of the dog is bond and bond is nothing but a function.
There seems to be people who have never known what love means. What can love hot . Do not know the feeling of being filled with love overflowing, zuwollen into singing the love in the world, to dance with every step in the ground. You know the feeling not to stand in the middle with an open heart in the world, life share can be touched and no longer afraid to have.
I wish such people to be able to feel even as it is, come after two days of absence from home and welcomes Habca to be.
learn to love From Habca.
It cares not what it looks like it if someone could find exaggerated or ridiculous. Nothing they care. There is only you and me and the moment. It is sliding on the laminate in the hallway, she jumps up and licks, they expressed to me as if to crawl inside me. She gives himself away, all she has and is, without a second think about it. Her whole body wags. I sit on the couch, she jumps on my lap, I press my nose into their warm fur. It does not matter what was before and what will come after. Mindfulness and presence seems to be the easiest of all exercises.
This presence in the moment, this presence is love. This unimportance of all strategy, all the complicated thoughts. This being together.
I sometimes forget how easy it can be. A small bundle of black fur reminds me.
What is love? Love is something inside of me? In my heart, my head?
There are people who say they loved someone, and mean a feeling in yourself that may not be effective in the world .
There are people who say they do not know whether animals could ever love . Love was not attributable to a very complex thing to it a dog?
There are people who say the love of the dog is bond and bond is nothing but a function.
There seems to be people who have never known what love means. What can love hot . Do not know the feeling of being filled with love overflowing, zuwollen into singing the love in the world, to dance with every step in the ground. You know the feeling not to stand in the middle with an open heart in the world, life share can be touched and no longer afraid to have.

I wish such people to be able to feel even as it is, come after two days of absence from home and welcomes Habca to be.
learn to love From Habca.
It cares not what it looks like it if someone could find exaggerated or ridiculous. Nothing they care. There is only you and me and the moment. It is sliding on the laminate in the hallway, she jumps up and licks, they expressed to me as if to crawl inside me. She gives himself away, all she has and is, without a second think about it. Her whole body wags. I sit on the couch, she jumps on my lap, I press my nose into their warm fur. It does not matter what was before and what will come after. Mindfulness and presence seems to be the easiest of all exercises.
This presence in the moment, this presence is love. This unimportance of all strategy, all the complicated thoughts. This being together.
I sometimes forget how easy it can be. A small bundle of black fur reminds me.
Sti Causing Kidney Infection
Haiku at linux.conf.au in Brisbane
From 22nd - 29 January 2011 held in Brisbane, Australia, linux.conf.au . A name that speaks volumes about the object of desire of this conference, right? :)
Since this week but also to open source in general goes, other projects as Linux and its distributions have the chance to present themselves. Haiku is for sure Phil Greenway ( Sikosis ) at the start.
On Friday 28 January, he will start at 11:30 a Three quarters of an hour over a hundred people present haiku. He will speak briefly show about the making of what makes haiku and haiku, and what features are missing or are in development. He also plans a small programming session in which he wants to show you some basics, such as a BButton start one BAlert and some scripts via hey . The talks are expected to be recorded.
Sikosis is us @ sikosis with the hashtags # HaikuOS or # lca2011 keep you posted.
From 22nd - 29 January 2011 held in Brisbane, Australia, linux.conf.au . A name that speaks volumes about the object of desire of this conference, right? :)
Since this week but also to open source in general goes, other projects as Linux and its distributions have the chance to present themselves. Haiku is for sure Phil Greenway ( Sikosis ) at the start.
On Friday 28 January, he will start at 11:30 a Three quarters of an hour over a hundred people present haiku. He will speak briefly show about the making of what makes haiku and haiku, and what features are missing or are in development. He also plans a small programming session in which he wants to show you some basics, such as a BButton start one BAlert and some scripts via hey . The talks are expected to be recorded.
Sikosis is us @ sikosis with the hashtags # HaikuOS or # lca2011 keep you posted.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
How Long Can You Keep A Hair Relaxer Open?
Haiku Inc. Donations 2010
Haiku Inc. informed of its revenue last year. 'As far respectable $ 13,500 be taken, which makes 2010 the most successful year so far!
$ 1,600 of which came from sales of CafePress (for fees amounted to an astonishing $ 500 ..), the rest were all donations.
From the Google Summer of Code came again $ 4,500 to (minus $ 1,100 expenses for the visit to the Mentor Summit), which are on the large piggy-O-Meter not taken into account as this money is not the "donation" is running. Overall, it is so even in 2010 to almost $ 17,000!
addition to these details as revenues, was also a page with a summary of what Projects money was spent. As there would be:
Haiku Inc. informed of its revenue last year. 'As far respectable $ 13,500 be taken, which makes 2010 the most successful year so far!
$ 1,600 of which came from sales of CafePress (for fees amounted to an astonishing $ 500 ..), the rest were all donations.
From the Google Summer of Code came again $ 4,500 to (minus $ 1,100 expenses for the visit to the Mentor Summit), which are on the large piggy-O-Meter not taken into account as this money is not the "donation" is running. Overall, it is so even in 2010 to almost $ 17,000!
addition to these details as revenues, was also a page with a summary of what Projects money was spent. As there would be:
- WebKit, WebPositive - Stephan Aßmus - $ 4,000
- POSIX enhancements, Release Manager R1 Alpha 2 - Ingo Weinhold - $ 2,000
- Locale Kit improvements - Adrien Destugues - $ 2,000
- network improvements - Axel Dörfler - $ 1.680
- media kit, media player, app_server improvements - Stephan Aßmus - $ 2,000
Monday, January 17, 2011
Typical Residential Hallway Width
First Google Code successfully completed in
Last week, the first is Google Code in gone over. Of 22 November to 10 January, for the Haiku project by a small horde of students total of 150 tasks completed. In addition to some programming work to solve many tickets, the many tasks of locating surface of the haiku and the completion of the translations of user guides were very popular.
Haiku For the GCI was thus quite successful, with the mass of small tasks and the large number of students who usually worked only a few days on a task, but the mentors have required quite ...
The German localization is now the way is almost complete. There currently are again reviewed all the catalogs and making sure that menus and buttons throughout the system are designated as uniform as possible. If you feel like this Control to participate should register at the haiku-i18n-de mailing list.
Once the check is completed, the catalogs are released and will appear in the Nightly Images .
Last week, the first is Google Code in gone over. Of 22 November to 10 January, for the Haiku project by a small horde of students total of 150 tasks completed. In addition to some programming work to solve many tickets, the many tasks of locating surface of the haiku and the completion of the translations of user guides were very popular.
Haiku For the GCI was thus quite successful, with the mass of small tasks and the large number of students who usually worked only a few days on a task, but the mentors have required quite ...
The German localization is now the way is almost complete. There currently are again reviewed all the catalogs and making sure that menus and buttons throughout the system are designated as uniform as possible. If you feel like this Control to participate should register at the haiku-i18n-de mailing list.
Once the check is completed, the catalogs are released and will appear in the Nightly Images .
How To Get Effects For Oovoo With A Webcam
for the Challenge blog FwATC
for the Challenge blog Fun with ATC I
gewerkelt this ATC looks on it once, they are such brilliant pieces here .... one more beautiful as the other ...
for the Challenge blog Fun with ATC I
gewerkelt this ATC looks on it once, they are such brilliant pieces here .... one more beautiful as the other ...
Gay Small Cock Attractive
sooo Cute
really is cute with only one subject is not so my thing, but when a dear man's birthday (did) I try it at least ... and actually I think it seems not too bad ...
tips but I am happy to receive, as Anna has so each year birthday ....
Thanks for looking
Regards Marika
really is cute with only one subject is not so my thing, but when a dear man's birthday (did) I try it at least ... and actually I think it seems not too bad ...
tips but I am happy to receive, as Anna has so each year birthday ....
Thanks for looking
Regards Marika
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Yummi-land Dolls Haley Hot
or in degree?
In essence, different in degree, that's a difficult philosophical question! You'd have to know the nature of the psychological characteristics of people (men + women) and animals. And decide whether these can be accommodated on a common scale - and will.
This scale will always be man-made. And the essence intended is man-made. To what extent it actually is a being, "out there in the world", it can argue long.
It is long argued about the question of how different animals of people in terms of their mental properties. Meanwhile, there are many possible and worthy of discussion Answers. There are over two thousand years we are now at odds.
How many animals are killed in this period, tortured, abused, thrown away, eaten, used, raped, poisoned, not humanely kept, exhibited, as a thing has been handled?
"To date, the dispute turns on whether the psychological characteristics of the animals in the nature or extent of our, are different. But I asked myself when my partner and every time without coming to a satisfactory answer from. Karen Duve (2011): decent food. < P >
In essence, different in degree, that's a difficult philosophical question! You'd have to know the nature of the psychological characteristics of people (men + women) and animals. And decide whether these can be accommodated on a common scale - and will.
This scale will always be man-made. And the essence intended is man-made. To what extent it actually is a being, "out there in the world", it can argue long.
It is long argued about the question of how different animals of people in terms of their mental properties. Meanwhile, there are many possible and worthy of discussion Answers. There are over two thousand years we are now at odds.
How many animals are killed in this period, tortured, abused, thrown away, eaten, used, raped, poisoned, not humanely kept, exhibited, as a thing has been handled?
Friday, January 14, 2011
Inspirational Softball Book
right of contact with dogs in case of separation: Whose welfare is at stake?
If a couple has children is determined in case of separation of the couple a so-called "rights". Ideally, the couple agrees, if necessary, it is determined judicially.
It's not just about that father and mother have a right to see their child to take it, "deal with him." No, it's about the right of the child to deal with his father and mother ( § 1626 paragraph 3 BGB).
You say you probably already there now as the dog comes into play. ;-)
Like any animal shelter can attest, the separation of a pair for the family dog is often a problem. Or is the dog in case of separation, a problem? No matter if he at least not at the shelter lands but can stay with one partner, often the other parent has the desire to hit the dog on.
wants Again, of course, any sane person, would the two former lovers at a mutually agreed-to find an acceptable solution for all. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Increasingly, judges on dealing with the former Family dog decide (see, eg, dogs 04/2008). For a judge of the dog but "household", and with furniture, there's no deal.
A woman then tried a right of contact with the common dog to ride first. Twice a week at certain times they wanted to get the dog to him.
The court rejected this scheme now - what I find interesting as a non-lawyer for the reasoning: An analogous application of § 1684 BGB come out of the question, as this one on the welfare of a child's service-oriented rights and not about the emotional needs of other spouse. " ( OLG Hamm, Az II-10 WF 240/10, decision of 11.25.2010 ). Already
In 1997, another court, citing Civil Code § 90a (after the animals are not objects) a right of set with a dog. For this purpose, even a psychological report commissioned pet and the dog in the courtroom of a lead left to examine his affection for his master. The verdict tried seems to have been about the welfare of the dog.
The underlying question seems to be: To whose account will the (ex-) partner that does not live the dog, continue to have contact with the dog? Is he here for his own needs, or the dog?
latter would then determine to well under some effort, with experimental designs and expert advice ... as a complete layman, I have the impression that the works have in determining the child is not really good. Here, as there prevails the idea that you can not child and dog from a working environment should tear out wantonly. I think epistemologically difficult - but that would be another matter ...
In counseling sessions, I ask my customers like, "Why have you actually bought a dog?" - The answer to satisfy my own emotional needs, "I have not heard yet. It is certainly true of the vast majority of dog owners! But it is not the only one.
If we take seriously our dog as animal partner as a special Friend, the relationship with him is not so simple that one could thus talk about them. It's like when someone is asked "why do you love me?" Or as my husband asked me: "Why are you with me?" clearly, the "fulfillment of my own emotional needs." But since Sun is much more!
A dog is a dog, not human. But no wolf, no wild animal. A dog is a partner of a person. And this partnership is, is one of my most important beliefs, complex. It contains the age-old common history of dogs and humans, a successive growth of both species from which a special, unique in nature and content Interaction increases (by which I mean roughly the designated what Donna Haraway as companionship species). This partnership can not break down on the unilateral fulfillment of needs. That would mean the essence, to misunderstand the essence of this partnership.
If a couple has children is determined in case of separation of the couple a so-called "rights". Ideally, the couple agrees, if necessary, it is determined judicially.
It's not just about that father and mother have a right to see their child to take it, "deal with him." No, it's about the right of the child to deal with his father and mother ( § 1626 paragraph 3 BGB).
You say you probably already there now as the dog comes into play. ;-)
Like any animal shelter can attest, the separation of a pair for the family dog is often a problem. Or is the dog in case of separation, a problem? No matter if he at least not at the shelter lands but can stay with one partner, often the other parent has the desire to hit the dog on.
wants Again, of course, any sane person, would the two former lovers at a mutually agreed-to find an acceptable solution for all. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Increasingly, judges on dealing with the former Family dog decide (see, eg, dogs 04/2008). For a judge of the dog but "household", and with furniture, there's no deal.
A woman then tried a right of contact with the common dog to ride first. Twice a week at certain times they wanted to get the dog to him.
The court rejected this scheme now - what I find interesting as a non-lawyer for the reasoning: An analogous application of § 1684 BGB come out of the question, as this one on the welfare of a child's service-oriented rights and not about the emotional needs of other spouse. " ( OLG Hamm, Az II-10 WF 240/10, decision of 11.25.2010 ). Already
In 1997, another court, citing Civil Code § 90a (after the animals are not objects) a right of set with a dog. For this purpose, even a psychological report commissioned pet and the dog in the courtroom of a lead left to examine his affection for his master. The verdict tried seems to have been about the welfare of the dog.
The underlying question seems to be: To whose account will the (ex-) partner that does not live the dog, continue to have contact with the dog? Is he here for his own needs, or the dog?
latter would then determine to well under some effort, with experimental designs and expert advice ... as a complete layman, I have the impression that the works have in determining the child is not really good. Here, as there prevails the idea that you can not child and dog from a working environment should tear out wantonly. I think epistemologically difficult - but that would be another matter ...
In counseling sessions, I ask my customers like, "Why have you actually bought a dog?" - The answer to satisfy my own emotional needs, "I have not heard yet. It is certainly true of the vast majority of dog owners! But it is not the only one.
If we take seriously our dog as animal partner as a special Friend, the relationship with him is not so simple that one could thus talk about them. It's like when someone is asked "why do you love me?" Or as my husband asked me: "Why are you with me?" clearly, the "fulfillment of my own emotional needs." But since Sun is much more!
A dog is a dog, not human. But no wolf, no wild animal. A dog is a partner of a person. And this partnership is, is one of my most important beliefs, complex. It contains the age-old common history of dogs and humans, a successive growth of both species from which a special, unique in nature and content Interaction increases (by which I mean roughly the designated what Donna Haraway as companionship species). This partnership can not break down on the unilateral fulfillment of needs. That would mean the essence, to misunderstand the essence of this partnership.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Kates Playgrundfollando
Programming with Haiku, Lesson 16
The 16th Episode in Haiku DarkWyrms C + + course is an introduction to the use of small writings. First, some terms are clarified, as Leading , Glyph , kerning , Acender and decend . The following is a simple program that displays a text window and a small presentation of some of the useful methods of BFont class.
also contains Episode 16 the resolution to the questions on Unit 2 (episodes 6-15) .
All episodes of "Programming with Haiku" can be looked up in Darkwyrm's Library .
The 16th Episode in Haiku DarkWyrms C + + course is an introduction to the use of small writings. First, some terms are clarified, as Leading , Glyph , kerning , Acender and decend . The following is a simple program that displays a text window and a small presentation of some of the useful methods of BFont class.
also contains Episode 16 the resolution to the questions on Unit 2 (episodes 6-15) .
All episodes of "Programming with Haiku" can be looked up in Darkwyrm's Library .
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Pic Of Rasta Color Nails
The feelings of our dogs can be
(Third and final part of this idea, you can find part one here , part two here )
course it is not my intention, our dogs with their feelings, especially their fear to leave her alone . On the contrary.
in ourselves, in other people, with my dog and other dogs, I try aware of two steps to go.
First, I look back (which sometimes, especially when it comes to ourselves, requires courage). I'm going to see and try to describe to name - but not too cheap. I try to see what there is.
It is there.
The fear, the anger, the sadness, the love, the despair, the anger, the desire - they are there. They are also there when I screw up the eyes. Then they find another way to express themselves.
I look at them, try to name them and rate them. I say, "This dog is afraid of the popping sound," "I 'm mad at you, "" You seem in love with me "
consider separately in a second step deliberately from the first, I -. possibly with others - what I or we want to do with these feelings can we. can allow wait be there, they fade? Do we have to do something, is it unbearable? Do we want to share it, they say, to express them? Do we want to wrestle them?
Why is it me to separate important as that?
Because I often observe that an emotion - is already convicted before one has ever taken the time - for themselves and others, in humans and dogs to look at. Man ashamed of his fear, condemned the aggression of his dog.
humans and dogs have feelings about the world. This makes sense and is justified. It helps us in learning and survival, it does it make what we call a "sense of vitality," and it is a prerequisite for the feeling of familiarity and friendship - having people like that of a man with a dog. These feelings are not always pleasant. Neither we nor our dogs like the cliche-Labrador only happy, tail wagging and always expecting the best of the world.
And that's okay.
This is That's what I my dog, myself trying other people and their dogs to convey. You have these feelings. This is in order. Thou must have. And now we see what we do with it.
And yes, I know there is a very high demand for a dog to behave to his feelings. It requires a high cognitive effort, to which many people do not seem to be able to. There is so much easier, just loszukläffen to draufzustürzen or run away. If the distance between event and response to the event is zero, then we speak of reactivity. Reactivity seems to be a growing problem to be among dogs, and I'm sure sure to talk another time.
wrong and also dangerous as it seems to me to teach yourself a dog or another person: Your feelings are wrong .
So I try to say Okay, you're afraid of the New Year's Eve firecrackers. I see your fear, I'll take you and your fear was. What we do now with this fear? To what extent you can help yourself? What can I do that it is tolerable for you? I know that the show lasts about two hours, I know when it reaches its climax, as I can tell you this Knowledge help?
My dog is not like New Year's Eve. He does not want me to 0h on the road. But I want that he is unharmed, that he is not traumatized that he does not suffer unreasonable, and that our relationship is not damaged.
(Third and final part of this idea, you can find part one here , part two here )
course it is not my intention, our dogs with their feelings, especially their fear to leave her alone . On the contrary.
in ourselves, in other people, with my dog and other dogs, I try aware of two steps to go.
First, I look back (which sometimes, especially when it comes to ourselves, requires courage). I'm going to see and try to describe to name - but not too cheap. I try to see what there is.
It is there.
The fear, the anger, the sadness, the love, the despair, the anger, the desire - they are there. They are also there when I screw up the eyes. Then they find another way to express themselves.
I look at them, try to name them and rate them. I say, "This dog is afraid of the popping sound," "I 'm mad at you, "" You seem in love with me "
consider separately in a second step deliberately from the first, I -. possibly with others - what I or we want to do with these feelings can we. can allow wait be there, they fade? Do we have to do something, is it unbearable? Do we want to share it, they say, to express them? Do we want to wrestle them?
Why is it me to separate important as that?
Because I often observe that an emotion - is already convicted before one has ever taken the time - for themselves and others, in humans and dogs to look at. Man ashamed of his fear, condemned the aggression of his dog.
humans and dogs have feelings about the world. This makes sense and is justified. It helps us in learning and survival, it does it make what we call a "sense of vitality," and it is a prerequisite for the feeling of familiarity and friendship - having people like that of a man with a dog. These feelings are not always pleasant. Neither we nor our dogs like the cliche-Labrador only happy, tail wagging and always expecting the best of the world.
And that's okay.
This is That's what I my dog, myself trying other people and their dogs to convey. You have these feelings. This is in order. Thou must have. And now we see what we do with it.
wrong and also dangerous as it seems to me to teach yourself a dog or another person: Your feelings are wrong .
So I try to say Okay, you're afraid of the New Year's Eve firecrackers. I see your fear, I'll take you and your fear was. What we do now with this fear? To what extent you can help yourself? What can I do that it is tolerable for you? I know that the show lasts about two hours, I know when it reaches its climax, as I can tell you this Knowledge help?
My dog is not like New Year's Eve. He does not want me to 0h on the road. But I want that he is unharmed, that he is not traumatized that he does not suffer unreasonable, and that our relationship is not damaged.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Testing While Decidual Bleeding
lava burning suite now in OsDrawer
The Maui team has published its internal project "Lava" recently OsDrawer . As the team this week has not so much time for development, offers you so others can continue voranzubringen.Die lava suite consists of three components:
The Maui team has published its internal project "Lava" recently OsDrawer . As the team this week has not so much time for development, offers you so others can continue voranzubringen.Die lava suite consists of three components:
- LibBurnDevice takes the eigenliche burning. It is an easy to use library that makes all the necessary settings and cdrecord responsible for the burning process.
- Lava is a Tracker add-on to group files into projects.
- burn device is a small panel in order to make the necessary internal settings.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Pic Of Rasta Colored Nails
The fear of guest
fear, the day before yesterday I tried to show, has its meaning and justification. They are trying to protect.
We can screw up your eyes and say firmly "I see you did not." Or take the broom or equal to the baseball bat and chase the fear of the door, probably with shouts and roar: "We want you not! Get out! We are soo brave, let you just do not look back at us! "
Admittedly, the fear was not a very pretty face.
But she has to say something. After the initial shock, I say softly "Well, come a look." She sits on our sofa and I listen to her. I'll stay with her as long as they sit talking. I do not go away. I am not trying to silence them. I do not shove her biscuits in the mouth. I sit with her, breathe more and listen to her. This is all his. Sooner or later it goes again.
I leave there. It's okay that it's there. I did not befriend me in front of her. But I know that it soon goes away. They, too, the fear is part of a life lived life - - as well as sadness. The anger. The exhaustion. Our sofa is great. ;-) Feel
The feelings and leave. exercise to feel the fear and let go. Their own courage and your strength to get to know.
And the feelings of our dogs? Can also be there or weghexen we must quickly with praise and blame, treat, comfort, psychotropic drugs?
Have your dog on Friday
fear, the day before yesterday I tried to show, has its meaning and justification. They are trying to protect.
We can screw up your eyes and say firmly "I see you did not." Or take the broom or equal to the baseball bat and chase the fear of the door, probably with shouts and roar: "We want you not! Get out! We are soo brave, let you just do not look back at us! "
Admittedly, the fear was not a very pretty face.
But she has to say something. After the initial shock, I say softly "Well, come a look." She sits on our sofa and I listen to her. I'll stay with her as long as they sit talking. I do not go away. I am not trying to silence them. I do not shove her biscuits in the mouth. I sit with her, breathe more and listen to her. This is all his. Sooner or later it goes again.
I leave there. It's okay that it's there. I did not befriend me in front of her. But I know that it soon goes away. They, too, the fear is part of a life lived life - - as well as sadness. The anger. The exhaustion. Our sofa is great. ;-) Feel
The feelings and leave. exercise to feel the fear and let go. Their own courage and your strength to get to know.
And the feelings of our dogs? Can also be there or weghexen we must quickly with praise and blame, treat, comfort, psychotropic drugs?
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Mysoor Mallige Watch Online
fear and other unpleasant feelings
fear of New Year's Eve firecrackers? Have you followed the many Guides and ignores your terrified dog, not only comforted, because comfort is indeed confirmation?
What is this if you yourself are afraid? Feel uncomfortable, right? A feeling that we would rather not do.
emotions were probably originally designed as the function to ensure survival. If something "pleasant" is we do it more and more (so yes, some scientists say that the fact that human females are anatomically able to find sex enjoyable, the human couple's relationship has stabilized to the rearing of the extremely long employed to guarantee children). If something "unpleasant", we avoid it. could feel a creature that does not fear would be reckless would be in danger and might not survive long.
can not abundant in our complicated world, our sense answers always keep pace with what we cognitively know about the world . Feelings are fast and it's not easy to influence them at will. This makes sense: if the risk actually is since , in front of us, it's better to react very quickly with fear, with a vanishing pulse and good blood circulation in the legs, and possible doubt ("this is really so dangerous? ") to postpone to a later date.
This really good organization means that we sometimes feelings on the sofa and even threaten to be overwhelmed by feelings of which we know full well that the situation is unsuitable.
This can be the fear of a spider in the corner, or anxiety after the television crime again in the dark to go out. It may be a disproportionate anger, anger that makes us go up and down, the rapidly throbbing heart, his face red all over - even if the cause may be insignificant, perhaps a neighbor heard loud music. And there are also adult reasonable people the fear of New Year's Eve fireworks or missiles!
How do we deal with such unpleasant feelings? In my observation, often after an attempt to escape the situation, and simultaneously with shame or anger: We do not like to fears, especially those which could be regarded as irrational. Women have there a whole lot easier than men! . (A woman is screaming for a spider so sweet and arouses male "protector instincts"
I think, before we deal with the fear of our dogs (or even unthinkingly obey any "tips"), it is important our own fear to look at: What am I really afraid of? How do I deal with my fear? What role does my fear of my life? What do I do if I notice that a fear of the situation is not appropriate? I am angry about my fear? I am ashamed for them? they will ask, perhaps even what they tell me - Or do I let my fear be there for once?
fear of New Year's Eve firecrackers? Have you followed the many Guides and ignores your terrified dog, not only comforted, because comfort is indeed confirmation?
What is this if you yourself are afraid? Feel uncomfortable, right? A feeling that we would rather not do.
emotions were probably originally designed as the function to ensure survival. If something "pleasant" is we do it more and more (so yes, some scientists say that the fact that human females are anatomically able to find sex enjoyable, the human couple's relationship has stabilized to the rearing of the extremely long employed to guarantee children). If something "unpleasant", we avoid it. could feel a creature that does not fear would be reckless would be in danger and might not survive long.
can not abundant in our complicated world, our sense answers always keep pace with what we cognitively know about the world . Feelings are fast and it's not easy to influence them at will. This makes sense: if the risk actually is since , in front of us, it's better to react very quickly with fear, with a vanishing pulse and good blood circulation in the legs, and possible doubt ("this is really so dangerous? ") to postpone to a later date.
This really good organization means that we sometimes feelings on the sofa and even threaten to be overwhelmed by feelings of which we know full well that the situation is unsuitable.
This can be the fear of a spider in the corner, or anxiety after the television crime again in the dark to go out. It may be a disproportionate anger, anger that makes us go up and down, the rapidly throbbing heart, his face red all over - even if the cause may be insignificant, perhaps a neighbor heard loud music. And there are also adult reasonable people the fear of New Year's Eve fireworks or missiles!
How do we deal with such unpleasant feelings? In my observation, often after an attempt to escape the situation, and simultaneously with shame or anger: We do not like to fears, especially those which could be regarded as irrational. Women have there a whole lot easier than men! . (A woman is screaming for a spider so sweet and arouses male "protector instincts"
I think, before we deal with the fear of our dogs (or even unthinkingly obey any "tips"), it is important our own fear to look at: What am I really afraid of? How do I deal with my fear? What role does my fear of my life? What do I do if I notice that a fear of the situation is not appropriate? I am angry about my fear? I am ashamed for them? they will ask, perhaps even what they tell me - Or do I let my fear be there for once?
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Bubble Letter Saying Happy Birthday
A new year
It is traditional for us to make each year to New Year's two photos of Habca, one standing and one sitting. Actually, she contributes her red scarf, which I have forgotten this year. Every year I think that this year really looks the most beautiful. I want to pay the first three years of the pony hair had not tamed, I can not understand anymore - She has such beautiful eyes (but she really hated anything in her hair have to). Her first ever New Year's Eve, 2005/06 has still spent in the small breeder. In February, it is five years with us ... and, hey, we got to know a bit!
power your photo and rows of your dogs? Or are you saying? Of your children?
It is traditional for us to make each year to New Year's two photos of Habca, one standing and one sitting. Actually, she contributes her red scarf, which I have forgotten this year. Every year I think that this year really looks the most beautiful. I want to pay the first three years of the pony hair had not tamed, I can not understand anymore - She has such beautiful eyes (but she really hated anything in her hair have to). Her first ever New Year's Eve, 2005/06 has still spent in the small breeder. In February, it is five years with us ... and, hey, we got to know a bit!

power your photo and rows of your dogs? Or are you saying? Of your children?
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