marijuana, cannabis, grass - all different names for the same plant: hemp.
For 50 years, cannabis is the most popular illegal drug in the world. Previously, the herb is one of the world's most important crops. Only in the last century to its robust fiber paper, ropes and textiles has been processed. From hemp seed food and oil have been produced from the flowers of medicine.Today there are varieties without intoxicating effects, which could explore the wide variety cabbage a big comeback. Nevertheless, cannabis cultivation is generally illegal. Recently, while some countries, including France, England and drug-free Austria varieties exempt from the prohibition and the EU promotes the production of hemp with over 10 000 shillings per hectare. At the same time global crop for billions of dollars are annually burned and eradicated with chemical mace.
Where does this fear of hemp? Why the demonization of the ancient world marijuana crop? Why this military warfare against the stem to the seed completely recyclable billion dollar weed?
"As far as we know cannabis has caused in the world not a single drug-related deaths. However, calls for daily deaths from alcohol its acute toxic effects as its long-term effect. Why are the dangers of alcohol and cannabis in public are shown not exactly vice versa, which must ask everyone easily. "
In his spare time is devoted Dr. Katelaris quite the revival of a plant that the Australian government since I will cut off for decades.
"From a medical point of view it is absolutely hypocritical that cannabis with its multiple benefits, such as for AIDS patients should not be used. Marijuana should each, which it helps, are available. In a pitiful state and millions of hectares of arable land, They literally scream for a soil-improving plants. Hemp, with its fine, the soil loosening roots could rejuvenate all areas of the country. "
this view are many Australian farmers, who see in the forbidden herb as an alternative to cotton.
" If fear and rejection of the people on the subject of marijuana are once gone, they see it as not a drug, but a normal crop, it would make hemp a good thing. "
The substance that love the pothead, is found only in the leaves and flowers of the plant, in doses of 10 to 15 Percent. Long, there are varieties in which the proportion of the psychoactive substance Tedrahydrocannabinol short THC, or less than 0, ... Percent. Fans of this could Cannabis smoke a whole field, and would at most get a headache. In almost all countries, the drug police pursued but also the cultivation of this species, despite its enormous industrial potential.
"The value of hemp is its long, strong fibers around the stems, it is the strongest of all natural fibers three times stronger than cotton, ideal for textiles. were also used ropes, twine and paper from hemp fiber are made. The short fibers in the interior to 77 percent of cellulose and can be environmentally friendly alcohol fuels such as ethanol, are. Also, biodegradable plastics, such as Zellufan, can be produced from it. Hemp is therefore an extremely useful plant. "
than 12 000 years, humanity already uses for hemp. The herb was one of the meistgeernteten goods in the world. For Young America, hemp was so important that its cultivation was funded by the state. Cannabis was a legal means of payment for taxes. vessels sailed for centuries, with sails and rigging made from hemp in the lake. Van Gogh painting, like most artists, on hemp canvas. The original Levi's jeans and even the American flag were made of hemp. In England, Queen Victoria took cannabis extract for menstrual pains.
Today blooms in the south of the British Isles, the first legal cannabis for nearly 50 years. With full support from the government about 30 farmers grow only after a test crop to just over 600 hectares of drug-free hemp.
The idea originated in the private agricultural trading company.
The idea originated in the private agricultural trading company.
"Our company has always been very open to new business ideas. We have been pioneers in the field of sunflower and flax cultivation. Hemp is not therefore our first loss product, but certainly our tricky. "
" The fact that hemp cultivation generally illegal, and only with special permits possible, making our lives quite difficult. "
started the renaissance of British cannabis industry with horse bedding made from hemp. The growing interest in paper and textile industry in the feathery herb spurred the company to one million dollars of investments in specific technologies for hemp utilization. From a conservative market analysis, the company expects significant gains, despite the unclear legal status the plant.
Global Prohibition began at the turn of the century in the U.S., as the cannabis star was already in decline. The age of the steam engine slowed the demand for hemp ropes and sails. Moreover, the robust fiber stubbornly resisted any attempt to harvest them mechanically. What sealed their fate, however, was the growing hysteria against the recreational drug cannabis.
"These innocent-looking cigarette met you in the most innocent of disguises. But if you light them and they inhale the smoke, you risk death, for this killer and his dealer have respect for no one."
The pleasure of relaxing and inspiring in light intoxicant is ancient. Cannabis use can be thousands of years to India to trace where cannabis is still valued as an aid on the way to enlightenment. The middle east cannabis spread to Africa and came with the slaves to America. To turn of the century brought Mexican immigrants the herb in the United States. It was the same plant, the Americans tons harvested. The green smoke came to U.S. citizens, however English and has been eyed with suspicion and fear. Adopted in 1914 in El Paso on the Mexican border, the first anti-marijuana laws. They should contain not only the use of cannabis, but also the high number of Mexican immigrants. At the same time began an era of puritanical Abstinence. Drugs of all kinds were increasingly demonized. Above all as public enemy No. 1 alcohol With a flood of laws and bureaucratic procedures of the immorality of the war was declared - with little success. 1933 after the repeal of Prohibition, for tax reasons, a new scapegoat for the social and moral decline of the country was sought - and found in marijuana.
This man has driven the demonization of cannabis most: government commissioner Harry Anslinger, a former second man in matters of alcohol Prohibition, 1930-1962 head of the Federal Service for narcotics.
"Harry Anslinger was the most important Individual in the history of the drug policy of the United States. More than any other is Anslinger responsible for the repression, prosecution and punishment of any drug use in the last half century. "
Anslinger spoke out in favor a nationwide ban on marijuana. Only then could his federal narcotics authorities exist permanently as the control.
U.S. historian McWilliams is convinced that Harry Anslinger aware of public ignorance has taken advantage of marijuana, without bureaucratic empire be maintained.
"Anslinger immortalized many Myths about marijuana. Its effect was exaggerating, he strongly called it a "killer weed" and an "attack on the youth," it deceives consumers to heinous acts of violence and could even make mental health. "
Attacks against cannabis also contained a strong racist element. 1937 reported Anslinger the U.S. Congress, marijuana smoking will be promoted by blacks, Mexicans and artists.
The American tabloids Anslinger supported propaganda full. Newspaper magnate Randolph Hearst brought in his own words a "relentless crusade against the narcotic evil.
The American tabloids Anslinger supported propaganda full. Newspaper magnate Randolph Hearst brought in his own words a "relentless crusade against the narcotic evil.
"Anslinger began to marijuana as an evil to be branded as such. Randolph Hearst jumped on the Schauergeschichtenzug and published hundreds of sensational reports of marijuana users who did allegedly under the influence of the herb, the most disgusting things. They fit perfectly with the charlatan presentation of most of Randolph Hearst leaves. .. The public took it for lack of other information at face value this one-sided opinion making in turn supported Anslinger anti-marijuana campaign, bringing the interests of the completed two wonderful "
1937 it had managed Anslinger: The Congress decided to the interests of Hemp industry and medicine, saying the plant was illegal. Cannabis has been classified as dangerous narcotics such as heroin and cocaine. A neutral study of its effects never took place.
"was probably in science have manipulated more. 1937 told us scientists, cannabis would entice people to kill. Evil scientist this were today there are scientists who claim that cannabis would change the driving forces and brain functions. Also, the Scientists are poor because they have no proof for their claims. All they have are retrospective speculation. you will find people in difficulty, notice that these people smoking cannabis and turn it into a simple cause-effect concept. It looks like this: My son was always a great guy, then he started to smoke cannabis, and now he's really bad is in school, the only come from the cannabis. Wrong, it must not come from the cannabis. Maybe he smoked cannabis at school just because he is not good and is unfortunate. We have drawn comparisons between long-term and non-users. There were no differences in intellectual ability or awareness functions. "
John Morgan, a pharmacologist at the City University New York, specializes in the investigation of illegal Drugs that includes marijuana.
"I am researching the harmfulness of marijuana, so that everyone can get an idea of the benefits and risks of this substance. You should all give an objective, scientifically sound investigation instead of the previous blind conviction.For recreational interests me marijuana at all, but all other uses I find fascinating. As a medicine marijuana came from a survey conducted by Harvard University under 1000 American cancer specialists back into the conversation.
"They asked these specialists, whether cannabis as a remedy for Nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, for example, know whether they have ever recommended patients and whether it should be legally available. The result was a surprise to many: More than half of the doctors would prescribe cannabis if it were available, a quarter of the doctors had patients have even recommended. The U.S. government has prevented the exploration of marijuana very effective, especially in terms of its therapeutic application. Not that there are no funds for the marijuana research: If someone wants to prove the harmfulness of the drug, he may even have considerable resources. This money procurement policy provides, however, the marijuana research the United States. Our attempts to obtain money for marijuana therapeutic experiments stuck, really still in its infancy. "
" Marijuana is one of the most valuable herbal medicines in the world. It helps with glaucoma, epilepsy, asthma, menstrual cramps, insomnia, eating disorders, muscle tension failure. But the pharmaceutical industry saw all this negative propaganda with and kept his mouth shut. Nobody cares about the other side. Our magazine is the only source of information on the benefits of the plant. "
HIGH TIMES is the world's only magazine that is dedicated to the marijuana and the conventional will oppose one-sided views on factual information.
"With the facts that we bring in HIGH TIMES we put the opposition in the drug war dar. What the government fears the most is objective information about marijuana. Maybe we glorify The plant something, but mislead us no one. marijuana stimulated after all the learning and memory centers, which are very sensitive parts of the brain and children should therefore keep away from the cabbage. The same goes for some adults, if after you wake up the first joint and then turn to smoke all day long on, without that there are medical reasons, then the simple marijuana abuse. "
" In terms of marijuana as a drug, like other drugs it can also act on the brain and alter perception, behavior and reaction times. While it is easy drugs, but intoxicated. Under influence of marijuana can therefore make mistakes, they can be cumbersome and probably should not drive the car. But when hundreds of thousands of young people who are arrested solely for possession, is politically and morally wrong. Then the law is a greater danger than the drug itself "
One of the few countries which has opposed the prohibition of marijuana, is Holland. The hemp fiber industry was revived here by the State. Converted over 150 million shillings has been invested in the development of drug-free hemp varieties. With its unique tolerance we see here also the "high"-making hemp.
"The war on drugs is not to win. Our policy is to criminalize non-drug users, especially users of soft drugs. The legalization of soft drugs, the consumption in the Netherlands no increased slightly. BORNE we see that politicians exaggerate the drug problem simply.
In search of alternatives for the Dutch Agriculture have also 40 scientists for three years devoted entirely to hemp.
"I'm really excited about hemp. This ancient crop has gone completely wrong. So I'm really proud to work on her comeback. The seeds contain oil and proteins, ie high quality food for human and animal . When I was recently in hemp research institute of the Ukraine, for example, there hemp oil as a salad dressing. Even by industry, such as a drying agent in the manufacture of paint, it can be widely used. "
The largest market opportunities were the Dutch but in the paper production from hemp. You him to a pulp processed with different methods.
Here the fiber is in a mill, where heat and pressure, they pulverize fibrous mass. Then the fiber is mixed with water. When the water dries, the fibers connect to a leaf of hemp paper. But that's the potential of the herb is not exhausted: Everything that contains wood fibers can be made from hemp. From cardboard to newspapers, facial tissues and paper Bible. And again and again. Impressive 70 percent of the waste paper is recycled in the Netherlands. Only the more paper is recycled, the weaker is the end product. The sturdy hemp fiber brings the ideal gain the recycled paper and fills a gap in the market, stuck in the billions of dollars annually
At the other end of the world in Tasmania, the southernmost appendages Australia. Here, Anne Mueller sail looks daughter to the forest after a sake too alternative to paper made from trees around.
"If my father in the forest felled trees, everything remained intact, you could not see, was like where. The underbrush was just as alive as animals. For Love of the woods I began to experiment with. The first question I am somewhat shocked to the wood is absolutely not the best raw material for Paper. It is only through heaps of energy and chemicals, but from its natural fiber ago, it is not worth it. The best natural fibers are annual plants such as flax and hemp in particular. Unbelievable that someone could condemn a plant that is naturally suited for a thousand of so wonderful things.
prove this last of three test crops must be approved hemp as a wood substitute in Tasmania's giant paper fibers. Despite his ridiculously low THC content, the Drug Enforcement Administration was in a destruction of the flowers, so no one can do with the appearance of marijuana illegal transactions. Part of the harvest moved to Australia in the research laboratory of the largest newsprint mill in kangaroo country. Here are crushed each year over half a million tons of trees. But this is only a fraction of the nine million tonnes of which Australia is a year for paper and wood fibers. The wood in this camp is just enough for tomorrow's newspaper of the 17 million Australians. Because of public outrage over the logging of ancient forests, the paper mill has recently switched to timber plantations. But the fast-growing pine and eucalyptus wood needs more fiber, so it follows that paper. The company imports a year so for $ 20 million spruce fibers.
"The need we add to the newspaper, so you can handle it. Hemp can contribute to this necessary reinforcement, and it takes a special treatment and new devices, so cheap is not it." "Although the paper mill is considerable interest in the new ECO-FIBER, has its development work is still in its infancy, short-term problem of cannabis is:.. The world market prices for paper fiber are currently held artificially low, making competition difficult, many cut down forests can no afforestation not grow back. fetch natural forests and by anything, at best, to be replaced by plantations, is a bargain Raw material procurement at the expense of nature. If you count the damage to the environment then the current prices for wood and wood fiber are much too low. Not included are the environmental damage caused by chemicals, also there is hemp fiber made with far less than wood fiber. Such environmental benefits need to be in the sale of hemp products in the foreground. We have to convince buyers that hemp paper more money is worth it because it is harmful less. "
did just that, a British printer, opening up a booming market for tree-free paper. He has more customers than product Cannabis for fiber in the world market close.
"It was not easy, even to find a source of hemp fiber. There are very few players and we have until 1991 found someone who can supply us. Since then, we make lots of five tons at a stroke, but the market was . now because people see the quality of our say paper and ". It is currently the best hemp paper in the world" This year we have secured the entire British hemp crop and thus make the 2,000 tons of hemp paper.
In the U.S. state of Oregon, there are both some of the biggest growth redwoods, and some of the largest wood pulp and fiber mills in the USA. The owner of the largest timber camp in the state is full of hemp. Not only as a paper but also as an alternative raw material for the massive construction industry.
Such forgotten facts a nonfiction bestseller unveiled in 1986 with the title "Des Emperor's New Clothes. "In German there is disdainful of" Rediscovering the crop, hemp . Its author is still a sworn Hanffan.
These are hemp houses thousands of advance orders it from all over Europe. But like so many other Cannabis products is also hampered by the restrictions of this for the cultivation of the herb arg.
"We have for many years in the timber industry and we eat literally millions of hectares of forest off because of the fiber content of the trees. Most of the trees are actually used only as a fiber supplier, not as a building material. We urgently need a not scarcer substitute for wood. If we use hemp as a fiber raw material and in the crowd grow, we need, then drop the price. Enter the hemp for two years and it will be cheaper than wood. Finally, does the herb only 120 days until harvest, not several hundred years. Wood, or hemp, so this is not a question. "Bill's confidence in the future of hemp is strengthened by the hemp particle boards, covered his company by the prestigious Faculty of Forestry at Washington State University.
" These boards world class. Same as the others from each factory here and we have a lot of wood plants in Oregon. One of these, just south of consumed here each day 700 tons of tree fiber. Even with such a board they make three billion dollars a year. So to build a factory costs about 100 to 150 million dollars, so it is important to us that with the recent Technology can continue to work. What we found with the Washington State University: Hemp is not only a fine wood substitute, which shall give at least as excellent as the boards of the Douglas-fir, we can make it with the same technique. The Washington State University used the same performance as the wood pulp plants here. And it works. This proves not only that hemp works, we already have people in the industry, who would use it right away if we could supply him. There are also customers for the product already. So everything is ready. Missing only one thing: the ability to grow hemp fiber here in the land to the mills to supply. To tell the truth: We need the world to grow hemp and meet the worldwide fiber demand by annual crops, rather than cut up centuries-old trees "One of the most unique among the thousands of hemp products is Henry Ford's plastic car It was 1941.. built cellulose fibers from hemp, ... and wheat straw, and should be used with hemp oil. The plastic was lighter than steel and yet still withstand ten times more to dent without.
Such forgotten facts a nonfiction bestseller unveiled in 1986 with the title "Des Emperor's New Clothes. "In German there is disdainful of" Rediscovering the crop, hemp . Its author is still a sworn Hanffan.
" The hemp seeds solves all our cholesterol and other artery clogging problems. And we have banned him. Apparently knew our politicians do not like this, otherwise would have they are as mentally ill in jail. Few people even know that there are hemp and marijuana the same. Until 1973 I also had them do not know. I had heard that marijuana cannabis was mentioned, but that this was meant literally, I did not. What they have declared illegal name was even "marihuana." - Mexican slang And they have taken it in the American law. They told anyone that they prohibit hemp. "In some countries, at least hemp legal. And in France there is this woman ... who has already built some 300 houses out of hemp. Made of hemp and lime as the ancient Egyptians. She mixes lime with what remains of hemp over when the fiber is removed. In this state, hemp does something amazing: he turns to stone. Honestly, he turned to stone. If you mix these hemp with lime, then comes out something that is stronger than cement, but weighs only one-sixth of it. "
These are hemp houses thousands of advance orders it from all over Europe. But like so many other Cannabis products is also hampered by the restrictions of this for the cultivation of the herb arg.
hundred percent hemp are also those models. Perhaps they are not just follow fashion, but a definite hit on the international textile markets. This hemp comes here from China, one of the few countries that still grow cannabis for textiles and weaving in all sizes. The fabric is much more resistant to tearing, warmer and suction forces as the best cotton, hemp is nevertheless to be just as soft and comfortable. Together with a fashion company based in Melbourne, the coroner Katelaris a collection of hemp jeans and street wear is produced. A first step to increasing To meet demand for hemp envelopes.
"If we tell the people: That's all from cannabis, then most are pretty shocked and thought: Cannabis to wear This is something totally new No one knows that even Levi's jeans were originally made of hemp?.. can be worn just as well as cannabis Topdesignerstück, evening wear or everyday wear "
" Our things are very very good And the past is actually very very very very good other words... We can not so much hemp fabric buy, how we can sell. "
Again and again the question: Where to get the whole hemp?
in Australia's southeast are especially many cotton farmers now ready to switch to hemp.
in Australia's southeast are especially many cotton farmers now ready to switch to hemp.
"I see no problem at all what it takes to grow and to bring the boys to join. If you allow three to four times more profit than do cotton or soybeans, the people come by themselves to hemp."
The cotton industry is one of the largest chemicals consumer in the world. And while the cotton profits fluctuate, increasing the environmental impact from crop to crop.
"In terms of these pesticides cause, since hemp has absolute advantages. Many irrigated crops depend heavily on chemicals. Hemp on the other hand requires very little to no chemistry. The many farmers are good, because on the one hand reduces the cost and also reduces the chemical bombs on the farms and the rest of the environment. "
" There were several reasons for the decline of the hemp industry, but today there are actually only one plausible reason: the traditional business interests of today's industries. You do not want a revival of hemp because they are afraid of the competition with the green trade. Synthetic manufacturers and users of non-renewable energy sources can not keep up in such a competition. "
some think that it was mainly commercial interests, which has met with the general fear of drugs to ban the plant. After years of declining production, the cannabis industry had recognized the mid-thirties with a new, more efficient machines to a hemp comeback. The magazine "Popular Mechanics" the hemp predicted a great future as a billion-dollar weed. As the basis for thousands of jobs and a wide range of dynamite to plastic.
"We know that a machine was invented that was to hemp as revolutionary as the gin the cotton. When was invented, was the Cotton fiber from the most expensive in the world, wearing only the wealthy, the cheapest fiber, with each day. Now, if this amazing machine was just invented, then why hemp was banned two months later? Begs the question of whether there is a connection. "
some see as a clear link. At the time, was the chemical giant Dupont in chemicals for paper production from wood. He also invested heavily in the perfection of synthetic fibers, should replace the natural fibers in textile industry and rope work completely. A resurgent industrial hemp expected profits would have diminished considerably.
Dupont came out with nylon and nylon was a big deal. You have made all of it. They have sold it as a synthetic cannabis and it was only at Dupont. They had the world monopoly on the fabric and loved the world nylon. "
Dupont had its market monopoly hold can never, without the banker of the company, Andrew Mullen, by the way owners of the fifth-largest bank in America. He Dupont not only millions of dollars hired, he was also head of the U.S. Treasury Department in this capacity, he appointed the man to head the federal drug agency, who led the toughest campaign against hemp.. Harry Anslinger was pure chance, but Mullen is not only Anslinger Boss a relative, because Anslinger had married his niece. This striking combination of interests provides material for interesting speculation.
"I can hear these people to rule, as they say. Man, let's make laws against marijuana, I mean, if the did not know who their main competitor and who will guarantee not buy Dupont chemicals would then would be they have been fairly limited, so stupid that they would have been a disgrace to every board meeting. So they turned off the competition and that was the hemp. "The conviction that behind the hemp ban were mainly based commercial interests also to a broader change in the U.S. government five years later. During the Second World War, when the nylon industry was still in its infancy, America suddenly complained of an acute shortage of rope. Farmer and the government called loudly for cultivation on the just demonized hemp.
"hemp for rope! Hemp for rigging! Hemp as a shoelace for millions of American soldiers' boots! Hemp for our paratroopers! Hemp for Victory!"When the war ended hemp was no longer needed. Now the military, the fight against his former allies were told.
"Marijuana is a weed and spreads like nettle once it germinates! But the troops with flame-throwers, the situation fully under control."began with such actions, today's war on marijuana. Harry Anslinger has fueled him to the United Nations into it. As the American representative on the UN Committee on Drugs, he summoned the dozen meetings on a global ban on the plant.
"In the United States has hardly anyone supporting the government if he has no plan to eradicate cannabis Take the example of Bangladesh:.. Bang translates marijuana Bangladesh means" marijuana Animals "And we are there under one. political pretext to and have cut down all the hemp fields. Everything has held together this hill. And suddenly the whole country was flooded. This is madness! Racial murder of a plant. "
The ban has made marijuana per gram more expensive than gold. Worldwide, there is the multibillion-dollar weed for criminal empires become.
" The whole scene would be more than happy if we could see THC-free hemp and marijuana as two different things. But the American government does not see that this plant can be grown without drug content. Since we can paper and clothing made from hemp To make the farmers can make good money. We can have a whole industry around the hemp around without any THC, without a single joint. But they allow us this distinction and therefore is obvious to me that THC is only a pretext, in truth it comes to hemp. "
" We do not have any response to forest decline. No single alternative to global deforestation. One group says: Stop cutting down trees too! The other says: We all cases! It's simple: tree fiber, hemp fiber and hemp fiber is the much better "
" So if hemp products. such as paper, fiber and ethanol to be marketed properly, I see clearly cannabis as the billion-dollar herb for the millennium "
-. ENDS -
Billion Dollar Crop - The history and advantages of hemp as in industrial fiber
Directed by Barbara Ann Chobocky
Produced with. Michael Cordell and Jeffrey Bruer
This surprising video explains the environmental interest in the non-drug variety of hemp as a versatile industrial fiber, and documents the history of its prohibition.
Backed by years of worldwide research, BILLION DOLLAR CROP exposes the political and industrial manipulations, which outlawed one of the most valued plants in history.
Hemp once provided the paper on which US banknotes were printed, the cloth for the original Levi jeans, as well as the sails and rigging of ships. During World War II it was of such strategic importance that the US Government encouraged farmers to convert to hemp cultivation.
BILLION DOLLAR CROP shows how the recently developed, non-drug variety of hemp is being researched and cultivated internationally because of the plant's versatile qualities and environmental friendliness. This program takes the audience on a world tour from Australia to the United Kingdom, and from The Netherlands to France and the US. It illustrates how hemp is being cultivated as an industrial fiber for use as an alternative to wood for paper production, to cotton for clothes, and to plywood for construction. We all benefit, especially our forests and topsoil.
- Veoh: collection/deutschedoku/watch/v6272467M9ykDxkm
- GoogleVideo: videoplay?docid=6227764886026539612#
- YouTube: user / hemp State # grid/user/83A386BB04045DAA
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